Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Midnight moments...

I have found myself, this year especially, waking up in the middle of the night.  No reason, just an urgency to pray, read the Bible or sometimes God lays it on my heart to watch a youtube video on a certain subject or a certain speaker.  

I decided to take a picture of myself this morning...2 a.m.....no makeup, hair messy, a little blurry eyed still....because no matter what time God has woken me up these past months I have woken with a smile...an expectancy....an excitement.  

I was very blessed to have two baby boys who only woke up once a night for a feeding.  We had a great schedule that worked amazingly for them and so once a night I would get up with them and give them that food that they needed or craved to get through to the next morning.  I feel like a baby getting up in the middle of the night...receiving that middle of the night feeding...being fed by my Father.  It feels like extra "food" for my soul.  It more then getting up early and doing devotions...it's different....it has been so rich and filling.


 It has reminded me of when young Samuel is awoken in the night and Eli tells him after the third time to say "Speak, Lord, I am listening".  This is my desire.  To be listening....to hear God's voice....to grow in my walk with Him....to learn to be a better daughter to the King, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, servant.  So...when I awake to His voice or gentle nudge...my answer is "I am listening...I am awake...I am happy, Father, to spend this time with you!"

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