Friday, March 1, 2013

Funtastic Friday!

Tim didn't have to work until noon today, so we had a family pancake breakfast together. Tim and the older boys went out and cut up some wood for this weekend. It's gonna be a cold one so we thought it would be a good idea to have some wood ready for the fires we are going to want. By the time they were done outside and we were done inside it was time for Tim to leave for work.  He decided to take Johnston with him since this is their week to partner up together. I took the rest of the kids to the YMCA for our monthly home school swim day.  

 (Jensen and Jameson)

It was a big turn out today with over 50 kids.  The kids had a great time swimming with their friends and meeting new ones.  We actually ran into a mom and son whom I and Johnston used to meet up with back when he was a toddler.  The boys were the same age and loved playing together.  After we moved to Idaho I lost touch with this mom.  It was fun seeing her again after such a long time. 


We made a quick trip to Walmart to get groceries for the week.  Tim made some plans for us this weekend and actually made the menu plans as well!  So we just had to go and grab the items needed.  Nice and simple!  Tonight he planned pizza and salad!  Yum!

 Daddy was already home when we got there so Miss Holly told him all about her day while we got dinner started.  

I love watching them talk together.  She adores her daddy. 

Holly wanted me to get a picture of her and Bella.  She loves her Bella and asks me to take pictures of them all the time.  Funny girlie!

(Johnston and his most loyal Yoda!)

Johnston was excited to tell me about his day with daddy.  They stopped over at the Army surplus store to pick up another ammo box and a new pair of military boots for the boy.  After that they went to pick up traffic counters that Tim had set out somewhere in Athens.  Johnston told me there was a lot of traffic and he was glad that he didn't have to cross the road to get the counters.  On their way home they stopped at Walmart so Johnston could pick up two new Lego sets that he has been patiently saving up for.  He was pretty exited to get a new Star Wars set and he started collecting a new series...Galaxy Squad.  All in all...he loved having a day with his daddy.

(Me and Johnston)

The littlest four have been asking to watch Hotel Transylvania for a while now so Tim decided tonight was the night we were going to watch it while we had dinner.  To say the kids were excited would be an understatement.  They thoroughly enjoyed it so much it was decided unanimously to add it to our collection in the near future.

(Me and Becca)

We had a very late, but special night together.  Whenever I ask the kids what their favorite things to do are (I'm always trying to get new ideas of things to do with the kids) the kids from oldest down always say Friday Family Nights.  So...this is what we do....every Friday.  Sometimes movie nights, sometimes games nights,  sometimes both.  Sometimes we stay home, sometimes we go out.  Sometimes we have friends over and other times we might go to someones house.  It doesn't really matter, as long as we are together they love it and so do Tim and I.  We are truly blessed to spend each day with these amazing young people.

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