Monday, March 11, 2013

Johnny Appleseed Day!

We had a day off school today, because Tim had the day off.  However, today was National Johnny Appleseed we did a spend a couple hours today learning a little bit about Johnny.  I actually didn't know about it being Johnny Appleseed Day until after lunch so I didn't have much time to prepare it, but we ended up going a Johnny Appleseed Lapbook.  :)

I have enjoyed doing lapbook's with the kids because you can pretty much pick ANY topic and do a lapbook.  From Lego's to the 7 Days of Creation.  We can work on a topic together like we did today or they can work on individual topics of their choosing.  

Today we covered:  
History (studying about Johnny Appleseed, looked at different things that were happening in 1774 {the year he was born} around the world)
Geography (mapped the five states Johnny planted nurseries/orchards and where he came from)
Spelling/Vocabulary (learned many new words and their definitions)
Math (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimating and fractions)
Bible (Verse and study about grace, stewardship, and kindness)
Science (dissection of an apple, learning all the parts of an apple, and stages of growth, etc)
Lots of reading and so on.

After we were done Becca asked me if we could do lapbook's full time for school!  Funny girl!

1 comment:

  1. This is very neat!!! Maybe I can do Johnny Appleseed day later this week. I actually have a Johnny Appleseed book somewhere around here. I love your ideas.
