Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cousins, Easter Eggs, and Rain!

 Today we were so excited to spend Easter with Tim's sister and her family.  We met them at their church and enjoyed a great Easter Drama and worship time.  I am loving this chance to spend time with my one and only sister in love and her family.  I love that my kids get to spend holidays with their cousins making memories. 
 We went totally nontraditional for the first time that I can remember in my lifetime.  There was no cooked ham/Cornish hens or wonderful side china, crystal or sterling silverware.  There was Little Ceasars and salad......paper plates, plastic cups and forks!  No cooking, dishes to wash or clean up other then 5 minutes.  We had a great time with each other celebrating what was important....Easter.  It's not about what your eating, or what dishes you's about remembering the true meaning of why we gathered together today.  HE IS RISEN!!!!
The kids did the whole Easter egg the pouring rain!  :)  No rain was going to stop this crew...did I mention it was pouring...yes...not drizzling...not sprinkles....pouring rain and they did not want to wait.  Much candy was gathered, traded, and eaten!!!!

He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. ~ Matthew 28:6


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