Thursday, January 10, 2013

We love to play games!

We got our book work done pretty quickly today so we could work on decluttering the boys stuff that we took out of their room. We filled a trash bag to give to CASA of toys that are in good shape, but that our kids are not playing with anymore.  We also filled a bag of trash!!! I love
 organizing, decluttering, purging our house of stuff that we just do not need.  It really is good for the soul!

Tim was home early to help the boys get the garbage taken to the compactor.  With us getting sick we fell behind in that department.  My hubs is such an awesome dad.  The boys were so relieved to get that enormous chore done and it is such a help to have dad and little bro's get in there with ya.  Having people behind you sometimes is all you need to climb a mountain and take it down!!!  

Took Tim to pick up the "Green Machine" from the mechanics then he took Johnston to his basketball game and I took Max and Becca to their basketball practices. This basketball season has been pretty interesting.  All three kids have had practices at the same time in different locations and games on same days different locations.  We've had to call in the family calvary a few times to cover games.  I know the kids are enjoying this basketball season and want to do another season, but we will make that decision when the time comes.  It's been fun though, I am looking forward to that free space back on our calender.

Decided to let the littlest four Jeffries stay up and play a few board games with me.  We truly love to play board games, card games, video games (even though we don't play those as often) whenever we get a chance.  I got to play a couple rounds of Sequence for Kids with them, then Blokus Junior.  

If you haven't played this game you should.  It is a great game that actually forces you to play strategically.  The kids received Blokus Jr and the adult version for Christmas and we have worn the slap out of them in the last two weeks. 

Davidson was a worthy opponent, but I won this round.  I decided to let him try his hand at the adult version with Morgan, Justice and myself before bed tonight, but he isn't quite ready for that one yet. Morgan and I protected him from Justice so he did okay, but on his own it wouldn't have been a long game for him.  Still he enjoyed playing with us and that's what's important.

Jensen, my freckly impish friend, said he was happy to finally be able to play a worthy opponent after only playing with the other little kids.  He has such confidence this little man.  He also lost this round, but he did play well.  

Johnston didn't win his game, but he is getting better and had fun which is all we really care about.  Becca's first game is this Saturday and I look forward to seeing how well she does.  I'm also looking forward to getting our school room done this weekend...cross your fingers for us friends!!!!  

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