You know how you wake up and wonder if it might be possible that you have the time wrong for one of your children's games or appointments? That was me this morning. I stayed up way late with the kiddos watching movies and talking. We all slept in until 11am which is unusual since the little's don't usually sleep in, but they did and it was wonderful. I thought Johnston's games was at 1pm, but thought I should check and guess what...his game was at 12!!!!! We had 30 minutes to get up and get out the door. Hahaha on me! I love those moments when I have like seconds to figure out what I'm going to do. Thankfully I'm pretty good at this. Decided to leave Justice home with the littlest four Jeffries. I headed out the door with Max, Becca, Morgan, Johnston, Savannah, and Katie for a day of basketball games.
Johnston had the first game. He has come a long way this season, but we will be practicing on a few areas that he needs to improve his game in. He loves the game and I am really proud of him.
He has made some good friends with the kids on his team. He is hoping they are on the team next season when he plays again. We will see! He did have a few fellow homeschoolers on his team which was fun.
Max's game was next. This will be his only season playing at the YMCA. He enjoyed playing and was really good. He needs to work on a few areas as well, but with more practice he could be a decent player.
We did buy a new hoop for the kids for Christmas. Tim and the kids will be putting it up next weekend when he has a long weekend. It will give the kids a chance to practice at home everyday which they are really excited about. Tim usually takes the kids somewhere to practice so having the hoop here is going to be a blessing.
Becca ended up having two games back to back. We had made plans, but had to end up canceling because her game which was supposed to be at 3...didn't start until 4....then we were told there was going to be another game after that. Ugh!!!! Poor Becca!!!! She played really well though and has athletic talent.
She had a few free throws. After watching the boys games which were pretty brutal...oh my goodness....the girls game was vicious! Not attitudes...but I was shocked not to see blood. I had NO idea basketball games could be so....ouch. Becca was the only one out of the three who came home with a hurt arm (wouldn't you know it would be the one she has broken twice!) and some bruises. Sheesh....but maybe that means she is really getting into the game.
Tim, Justice and Max made us homemade nachos. Yum yum yum! They are super yummy! They do take a long time to make so while the guys were cooking, the kids were getting their dance on.
I found Just Dance Kids on youtube. We have the game on Wii, but with only two controllers and a lots of kids it takes a lot of time to play a game. So finding it on youtube which plays right on our tv in the living room was a gold mine. Jensen and Holly jumped right in!
Dancing to Despicable Me!
First there were two....
....then Johnston joined in and there were three!
Then Davidson joined the group and there were four getting their dance on!
They love dancing so much it is a daily part of school.
It's a part of our day that never gets old. When we need something to get a new jolt to the school day the kids ask to dance for a bit.
Dance, dance, dance!
Soon Jameson joined the dancing craze and boy did he get into it. He looks like he's gone all Chuck Norris or something.
Five dancers doing Despicable Me...again! They love that song!
Jensen had to change into his Optimus Prime mask sometime between songs. I guess it made the dancing more interesting?
Savannah and Katie (both decided to join us for another night!) joined in the dance....only missing one dancer...
...and there she is...Becca Jean our dancing queen!!!! She was making her fabulous salsa while the kids were dancing, but she came running when she heard her favorite song.
This was as big as our dancing crew got tonight. They filled the room and had a ton of fun. They definitely will sleep good tonight!
Becca turned into a disco dancer rocking those sequined leg warmers!
I love her....she makes us laugh SO MUCH! Her personality has no limits!!!
We did our Christmas gift exchange with Josalynd tonight. FUN!!! Gifts are always fun and the kids loved giving our gifts to Jossy. They also loved receiving some pretty awesome gifts from the Jos. Didn't get any pictures....not sure why...but I didn't. Pretty excited for her...she is moving into her first apartment next Saturday. SO HAPPY FOR HER!!!!
We decided to watch the Hunger Games tonight since Justice hadn't seen it yet. We are looking forward to seeing the sequal Catching Fire in November 2013. I've decided to read the series to the kids before then. Even though the movie follows the book really well, there is so much that is left out. So many visuals that when watching the movie you can fill int he gaps and understand it so much better. So we shall read them and be prepared. We start in February!!!
Pajamas, blankets, and movies....great ending to our very busy day.
Looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow.