Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

The rain kept Tim home today which we always love.  It's out favorite thing having daddy home.  I am so grateful to have a man that loves us so much.  I'm so proud of who he has become and how far in his fathering skills he has traveled.  It's not easy going from a dad of two littles boys who you've learned your parents skill with as they've grown from birth, to being a parent of teens and young adults overnight.  No skills, no training, no connection at first.  It's a growing experience.  I love that the kids think it's like a holiday having Tim home during the week!!!

Holland asked daddy to fix her hair.  He looked at her horrified!  I tell you he is growing in so many ways.  Every daddy needs to do his little girls hair right?  So being the good sport he is he did her hair.
Of course he added his flair to it.  Here he is brushing her hair with the handle of the brush!  She thought it was so hilarious!
He had her laughing so hard!
Showing him what part of the brush to use!
It took him awhile, but she was a very good teacher and finally got her hair done.  He did a very good job actually!  She absolutely loves her daddy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I was totally impressed one time when my brother in law Jean did his little girls hair and he was a pro at it... it isn't a common thing to find a guy willing and able to do hair!
