Thursday, March 17, 2011

The kids can cook and other things!

Johnston has been bugging me for week now to allow him to cook.  You know...cook for school!  LOL!  So finally I let him and his crew (Becca and Max) cook dinner for us last week.  They got in their and made some of the best beef stew I have ever had.  Loaded with carrots, celery, onions, garlic, potatoes and of course yummy angus beef!  It was wonderful hearing them in the kitchen laughing together as they created something for the family.  It was a true blessing and boy were they proud of it when we all sat down to our family meal that night.  It was truly amazing!  The flame is under them now and so today I allowed them to once again get in the kitchen.  They made Creamy Chicken which we will use for burritos tonight.  It smells heavenly!!!!!  I'll post the recipe since it was so easy...I think my littles could make this meal...if it tastes as good as it smells. :)

I love rainy days.  It means my Timmer is home for the day.  A full day with daddy is always wonderful!  He has had one busy daddy at home day.  With 10 kids at home there is always something to do with someone.  He helped Jackson work on his car, helped Morgan with her essay writing, helped Becca with her division, grilled some steaks that we surprised him with last week, has bestowed dozens of wonderful kisses on me, and just finished a 10 minute snuggle with Johnston.  The day is only half over!!!!  He is such a blessing to me!

Snack time is over and the kids have scattered.  Johnston and Davidson who have earned some extra play time today for doing awesome in school today are downstairs with Jensen playing Star Wars. Becca is still working on division with Tim (she does not like division), while Morgan is finishing up her essay.  Holland just finished up her snack which she informed me "Mommy, that is not going on my favorites list."  I had to laugh at her serious little face...because she was not joking!  Probably why it took her so long to eat.  Note to self: Parmesan Popcorn rock the boys world, but not Hollands! 

Jensen, Holland, and Jameson just brought up Thomas the Train toys.  They've decided to turn the living room into the Island of Sodor! Lots of happy chatter as they build the tracks.  They've been working diligently on being kind to each other and sharing nicely.  (Something Jensen and Jameson both strong willed and take charge leader guys were struggling with!)  So they've been working on talking respectfully to each other, not taking the best for themselves, etc.  Oh...Tim just got in on the action.  Being an engineer he can't help himself I guess. I knew he wouldn't be able to sit here for long while they had all the fun building the tracks!!!! :)

I decided today to write as I had time...this works wonderfully for me.  I can grab 5 minutes here or there to jump on my laptop between our daily life happenings.  This helps me not feel so overwhelmed at night when I want to blog and talk about what's happened during the day, yet just mentally want to shut down and watch Bones with my hubby while we are snugged on our couch.  So now I've already gotten a jump on todays post and don't feel so overwhelmed!  I likey!!!!

Dinner was a big hit!  The kids made an amazing meal which will feed us probably two more dinners.  We might change things up tomorrow and eat it over rice instead of in tortillas.  It sure was yummy and oh so easy to make.  They even made it look pretty by adding lettuce and chopped tomato which just added to the yum factor for me!  I told them that the only thing in my humble opinion that would have made it "over the top" good....home made chimole!  Hmmmm....we are hitting Sam's club tomorrow afternoon....might just have to get us the ingredients.

The middles and littles are long since in bed and sleeping!  Tim, Morgan and Justice are discussing a hike they are wanting to go on in North Georgia this Saturday. (Which will turn in Tim got a new handy dandy hand held GPS thingy for his birthday in January.  He has been aching oh so much to go and use said....thingy.  Jackson is out with his friends after attending a class at church and Jossy is doing....I'm not quite sure....but I hope she is having lots of fun!  Well, Tim just asked if I want to snuggle and watch something before we head to bed...oh yeah!!!! I"m off my friends!


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