Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring must be around somewhere

We have been so busy today.  It's that time of the year where we reorganize, clear out our stuff, simplify, change clothing around, etc.  This is on top of school and general life happenings of course.  Today Jackson moved out to his own place.  So this opened up the window for us to move Max into Justice's room and clear out one of the beds from the upstairs boys room.  We have been busy moving, cleaning, and reorganizing just to accomplish the moving of one 13 year old!  I don't have pictures yet, but I will see about getting some of the rooms once we get them put back together.  We got about 90% of the rooms done today, but need to tweek things a smidge more.  Josalynd also got her own place down in Atlanta area where she works and will be starting college.  The place is located a few minutes from her job and a few minutes away from the college she will attend.  It is truly going to be a great thing for her.  So last night we cleaned out her room and Tim/Justice were able to deliver her stuff to her this afternoon.  Now we have our storage/school room set back up and have gained back the kitchen/play room space we had given up.  It's been a great day of starting Spring cleaning....getting everything fresh and clean.

 We also did some fun things like taking our bag of old broken crayons and turning them into something new and fun and interesting! 
 First the kids peeled, then I chopped all the crayons into small pieces.
Then the littles each filled three muffin tins with the bits of chopped crayons.
After the littles, the middles made three each.
Then into the oven they all went!  I forgot to take pictures of the new crayons, but they did turn out really neat and the kids have already tried them out.
Some wacky kiddos!

We also did some normal school stuff, but did some fun extra stuff as well.  Max and Becca have been struggling over Parts of Speech in their differing grades.  So we've been doing some extra fun practice each day to just help get things grounded. 
 Becca writing a sentence about a butterfly!
Max doing some extra practice as well.  Morgan in the background was studying about her newest person of interest...Florence Nightingale.
Johnston was working on compound words.  I wrote a bunch of words on paper and he cut them out.  Then he put the words together making compound words.  He stumbled a few times, but grasped it quick enough.  He loves hands on learning!
Davidson was working on compound words as well.  He struggled with it for some time, but in the end he conquered the assignment.  I'm proud of his perseverance.

The rest of the day is history.  Middles and littles are in bed.  Oldies, Tim and I are chilling together and munching on egg rolls that Morgan made.  Sometimes it's just nice to chill out with your teens and hubby, not busy and going, just chilling out!

1 comment:

  1. i saw a blog once about making crayons like that.... i thought it was cool!
