Monday, February 25, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week 3

Outside my window....Beethoven, Morgan's dog, is barking in excitement for her nightly walk. The sun is quickly setting and the night air is getting colder.

I am thinking....about all the fun books we received from a friend.  At least 200 wonderful books to read with my kiddos.  Jane Austen, Mark Twain, L.Frank Baum, Betty McDonald, Grace Livingston Hill and many more amazing authors!  The kids and I have had a great time logging them into our book files and finding new homes for them.

I am thankful....for the time I get to spend reading with my children each day.  Fairy Tales for littles bedtimes, Tolkien sitting in front of the fire while kids knit, crossstitch, draw or play quietly with Lord of the Ring Legos, Jannette Oke laying on my bed with my older girls, Sugar Creek Gang sitting around the lunch table each day.  I am thankful for the time to read with my children each day we can.

In the kitchen....Morgan is making a nighttime treat for us.  Cucumber and Tomato Salad over warm rice. A meal/treat she and I have at least once a week.  SO GOOD!

I am capri sweats and a blue tshirt. PJ's!  End of the day comfies!

I am creating...a list of all the books we own.  They are organized by author.  It will be beautiful when it is finished.  Morgan and I thought it would be a great idea, since we have 100's of books all over our home, to know what we have would save me from accidentally buying a duplicate. Which I have done...a few times already.

I am where. No busy running around.  Just...home....and it's wonderful!

I am wondering...if I can get another shelf put in our hallway for our new books.  Wondering if I can get it done this week.....

I am reading...Chapter 2 of Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  I will start reading it tomorrow morning that is.

I am finish the organizing of the books this week.  That would be pretty great!

I am looking...forward to this weekend.  We have a pretty good weekend lined up and I am looking forward to all of it!

I am put down the phone, laptop, tv controller, busy schedule, TO DO lists and look in my children's eyes.  To hear them, really see them and not miss moments with my children.  I read this wonderful post by Hands Free Mama.  It was a great read and reminder for us mammas and daddies!

Around the house...are piles and piles of books.  Tons of books!

I am pondering...on actually nothing at this exact moment.

A favorite quote for today...Chains do not hold a marriage together.  It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.  ~Simone Signoret

One of my favorite things...snow falling outside, a warm fire, playing in the snow and coming in to hang our wet things by the fire to dry so we can go out once again into the snow to play.  (This doesn't happen often since I live in Georgia, but growing up in Idaho...this is still one of my favorite things to do when we do have the opportunity  to enjoy the snow.)

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Tuesday: School, organizing books

Wednesday: School, some more organizing of the books, tea party with the kids, and church

Thursday: Even more school and more organizing of the books!

Friday: Fun School Day, YMCA Homeschool Swim, trip to grab groceries, Family Fun "Talent" Night!

Saturday: There is talk about bike shop (my husband fixes any bikes that need repair...which is a few) or possibly a complete day of comfy clothes, snacky foods, and games (board, Wii, Xbox), movies and whatever else we decide we want to do!   It's kids choice day!

A peek into my day:

  Morgan and Becca having fun!

 Please follow this link TSWD if you would like to read other daybooks!

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