Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gearing up for more new experiences!!!!

What a day!  Seems like it went so fast and yet we accomplished so much!  Lovely!   Becca and Holland had their yearly checkups today.  Becca has grown 2 inches and Holland has grown 3.5 inches in one year!  Both girls are tall for their age and right on target in everyway.  The only hitch we found was both girls might possibly have asthma.  The doctor is pretty sure it is asthma, the girls are going to try meds for a couple weeks and then they will take a breathing test to make sure.   We knew it was probably going to be something we would be dealing with, and now it is here.  Jos and Morg both have it.  Now Becca and Holly are joining the ranks.  Our doctor has her thoughts on where the girls asthma originated and because of her theory there might not be anything that can ever be done outside of medication.  I am looking into other things  to try out in conjunction with the meds, but I'm glad we are able to get this dealt with correctly.  We also started the girls on their vacs today.  Lots of prayer and research and thought went into our decisions today.  I love that we have a doctor who listens to us and is willing to talk to us and help us make the choices that we want to make with no pressure what so ever.

The girls and I grabbed dinner then went to Walmart to purchase what they needed for tomorrow.  What might they be doing tomorrow for the first time ever?  Ballet!  Oh, they are so excited about ballet!
Becca was fluttering around the house all night.  I still have to take her this weekend to buy her real ballet shoes, but she is so excited about her first lesson.  She is the oldest in her class, but her teacher says she think Becca will progress quickly.  
Holland loves her outfit!  Look at this pose....hand on hip with those twinkling eyes!  She is loving this...oh so loving it!
This young man wants to do ballet as well so I am actually going to talk with the teacher tomorrow and see what she thinks.  Hmmm...Jameson doing ballet....that would be fun to watch!  They danced so beautifully around and around, giggling and laughing together.  They are a hoot!  Never a dull moment in our home I tell you...truly always hopping around here.

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