Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What a fantabulous day!

The kids had a fantabulous day today!  They love the two weeks prior to starting school.  These weeks I am gearing up for the new year and closing out the old year.  After breakfast the kids scattered to play.  They had a few friends over and wanted to play a "rousing" *rolling of eyes* dress up game of Star Trek.  They turned the entire blue room into their Star Trek spaceship and imaginary space.  They played this literally all day long...even in the pool!  It was awesome!  Somehow the kids were able to wrangle Justice into playing the Captain.  He being the most awesome Justice joined right in and he told me at dinner tonight that he had just as much fun as them.  I love that boy!

Morgan and I had a blast getting rid of the old and looking through everything for the new school year.  She has a lot of great ideas and I love her insight!  We laughed a lot and got our goal for today done lickitysplit.  While the kids were in the pool playing Star Trek with Justice we made cucumber/tomatoe salad over hot rice which is our favorite thing this summer.  While we ate we watched the first episode of Heartland.  Morgan's friend told us about it and it seems like a series we are going to love.  

Becca tried her hand at making pinto beans tonight.  Wow!  They were amazing!  She was very proud of herself and rightly so.  She asked me before she went to bed if she could make them again and try something new with them.  I look forward to seeing what she tries.  She mentioned something about cilantro and we love cilantro so it's probably going to be great!  Max made some really good corn bread to go with the beans.  We were a little nervous as his last attempt at cooking turned out to a meal that was like eating glue. *shudders at the memory*  When he asked if he could make it I knew we had to give him the chance to redeem his cooking status!  LOL...which he did! 
 Had to add these cute pics of Becca with Mr. Chub Chubs! 
 They are just so precious!
She was trying to get all three kittens in her pockets, but Mr. Chubb Chubbs was very interested in what was going on behind her and Jedi was escaping her pocket!  Cute picture still!

Tonight was my night to hang with Justice/Morgan so we could catch up on the America's Got Talent episodes that we have missed.  Morgan made triple berry sundae's for us.  Blueberries, Blackberries and Raspberries!  They turned out really refreshing and yummy.  Her goals was to make something like the ones you can get from the food court at Sam's Club and she hit it right on.

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