Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It smells clean in here!

So Johnston wanted to practice carving again today.  He got everything out and away he went.  He found that he could stab the knife through the soap and twist to make a hole.  He cut the bar in half,shaved part and chunked the other part.  Is he making anything in particular…ummm…no.  But he is doing something way better…he learning the feel of the knife, the feel of the object in his hand.  He’s learning how much pressure to put to make different kinds of cuts and shapes in the soap.  Today he took it even farther…he became the teacher. 

 Jameson came over to inspect what Johnston was doing.

 "Feel the soap Jameson….squish it in your hand." 

 "You have to hold the knife like this…here let me hold your hand…"

 "Now try it on your own…."  It helps to have a big brother apply pressure to
actually make the knife cut through the soap.

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