Friday, September 2, 2011

Homeschool Connection Kick Off Party 2011!

We have been looking forward to tonight!  Free Chapel's annual homeschool kick off party!  I was looking forward to seeing some of my bestest friends and I know the kids were looking forward to seeing their friends.  We've been so busy this year that we've not been able to hang out as mom/kids like we did last year.  God has opened new doors for each of us mom's and families.  It was nice for us to have a chance to reconnect at the party!
Ambered Stripes played for us and it was AWESOME!  Great praise and worship time!
Two of my besties and cutie patootie Micah!
Becca and Jameson giving our Rachel some love!
Best of friends...Mr. 7 giving his beautiful smile while Mr. 6 gives me his "Cool" face! won't put his age in there...Tim with Misters 7 and 6.  What's with all the superhero poses Jameson?
Miss 5 was coloring at her table with her friends!  Beautiful little missy!
Me and two of my lovies!

We praised, we ate, we laughed, we talked...we met new people and visted with old friends.  It was a great night.  I look forward to all we get to do this year with our Free Chapel homeschooling buddies!