Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

Things I'm thankful for:

1. A husband who works harder then anyone I know to support our family and having such an amazing attitude while doing so!  He goes to work before we get up so that he can be home almost every night for dinner and family happenings.

2. Justice ~ words can't descirbe how special he is.  He is loyal, loving, kind, honest, compassionate.  I so admire him and the man he is becoming.  As he struggles with his disabilities I admire his courage to face whatever comes up in front of him with the strength of a lion.

3. Children who try to honor us as parents and love us unconditionally.  Even when we fall short of the mark they are amazing in their love and obedience.  I'm truly humbled by their hearts!

4. A home that is full of craziness!  :)  Never is there a dull moment in our home.  The noise level can reach  deafening at times.  It's all good noise though.  Laughter, disagreements that turn into learning lessons, wars of all kinds, constant dancing and musical performances, etc.  I love it!

5. Listening to my 5 year old Jameson playing with his toys and then out of no where he breaks into worship/praise songs.  Just in his own world worshiping God and playing with his toys.  Or when he is sitting in his cars seat and through all the noise in our van he hears a song on the radio and asks me to please turn it up so he can sing along.  :)

I'm one blessed lady!

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