We had an all out Thanksgiving this year! Turkey, china and lots of laughing! I am so thankful for all that God has blessed our home with. We are truly blessed!
Carlisle showing off his Thanksgiving finery! Not sure what got them to make these faces, but it was a great picture! LOL! Three little blessings! Jameson showing of his Thanksgiving finery! The kids table was decked out in blue Spode china, real crystal and sterling silver! They were so excited! Maybe it was just the food that had them so excited! They were really ready for dinner. LOL! Please let us eat!!!! It seemed the food was edible….it disappeared very quickly….they did assure me that it was very good! LOL! The adult table had the real china! It was so much fun! Lots of laughing, eating, more laughing and eating! Turkey was setting in and Tim decided it was nap time. LOL! We are really blessed in the Jeffries house! Praying that all our loved ones had as blessed a Thanksgiving as ours.